Tuyo Mobile APN Settings Android/iPhone 2023

Tuyo Mobile APN Settings for Android Phone and iPhone 2022: Tuyo Mobile is a prepaid cell phone service provided by IDT. They have developed a prepaid cell phone service to appeal to Hispanic customers in the US. TúYo Mobile offers IDT Latin Desire Features. It includes downloadable ringtones, live international calls, aggression charges, Latin themes, games, and graphics. The patent-pending calling card feature allows international calling from any phone using their TuYo balance. 

One of the key features of IDT's prepaid mobile offer is the ability to dial directly to international destinations with low call charges. Tuyo Mobile will face tough times against Tracfone / Net10, GoPhone, and others who are already trying to offer low cost services.

Do you use a Tuyo Mobile service on your smart devices to access the Internet? Are you facing a slow internet connection issue with your Tuyo Mobile? If your answer is yes to both questions, you can easily solve this issue by simply changing the APN Settings on your device.

The first step in changing the APN settings is to select the appropriate parameters for the network you want. Different networks require different APN Settings, so you should do your research in advance. Here, we have researched for you. In this post, we have given the best Tuyo Mobile APN settings for Android devices and iOS devices such as iPhones & iPad.

Also Check : Cingular 5g4g Lte Apn Settings

Tuyo Mobile APN settings for Android Phones:

To configure APN Settings manually on your Android Phone, you need to go to Settings >> Mobile Network >> Access Point Name (APN) >> Add APN

Then, it would help if you created a new APN by filling in the blanks with the information given in the following table. You have to fill the data that are in bold letters in the following on your device and leave the remaining data unchanged

Name: Tuyo Mobile Internet

APN: Internet

Proxy: Leave it as an empty field / Not Set

Port: Leave it as an empty field / Not Set

Username: Leave it as an empty field / Not Set

Password: Leave it as an empty field / Not Set

Server: Leave it as an empty field / Not Set

MMSC: Leave it as an empty field / Not Set

MMS proxy: Leave it as an empty field / Not Set

MMS port: Leave it as an empty field / Not Set

MCC: 470

MNC: 02

Authentication type: Not Set

APN Type: default, supl

APN protocol: IPv4 / IPv6

APN roaming protocol: IPv4 / IPv6

APN Enable / Disable APN: APN Enabled

Bearer: Unspecified

MVNO Type: None

MVNO Value: Not set

Tuyo Mobile MMS Settings for Android:

Name: Tuyo Mobile MMS

APN: mms

Proxy: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

Port: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

Username: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

Password: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

Server: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

MMSC: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

The MMS Proxy: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

MMS Port: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

MCC: 528

MNC: 11

Authentication type: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

APN type: mms

APN protocol: IPv4 / IPv6

APN roaming protocol: IPv4 / IPv6

Enabled / Disabled APN: APN enabled

Bearer: Unspecified

MVNO Type: None

MVNO Value: Not Set

After that, click on 'Save' in the upper right corner to apply new Tuyo Mobile APN Settings on your device. 

Tuyo Mobile APN Settings for iPhone or iPad

Go to Settings >> Cellular >> Cellular Data Network >> APN on your iPhone. Then fill up the following data

Cellular Data

APN: Internet

Username: Leave it as an empty field 

Password: Leave it as an empty field 

LTE Setup (Optional)

APN: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

Username: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

Password: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field

MMS Data

APN: wap

Username: Leave it as an empty field

Password: Leave it as an empty field

MMSC: Leave it as an empty field

MMS proxy: Leave it as an empty field

MMS Max Message Size: Leave it as an empty field

MMS UA Prof URL: Undefined / Leave it as Empty field 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What is the purpose of an APN?

  • The access point name (APN) allows the device's network to connect to the Internet. With APN settings, your device connects to the carrier's gateway. This process involves the carrier using a limited APN network to select the assigned IP address and compatibility security settings.

Are APN Settings important?

  • Your mobile carrier scans your APN settings to generate an IP address. In addition, an APN is required if you want to connect to a proper secure gateway or private network such as a VPN. This is not just data connectivity; APN is essential for security and privacy.

How would the APN Settings work?

  • Once you insert your SIM card into your Android or new device, the carrier will detect the new device on its network. After an unspecified period, MVNO automatically sends the APN file containing the settings for their service.

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