Gboard Google Voice Typing not working on android? 4 Methods To Fix

Folks welcome to my blog! Today, we're discussing the "Google Voice Something went wrong" problem that may have affected Google Voice Typing users. I understand how frustrating it is when a glitch prevents you from using your Voice to type.

No worries, though! Please follow my straightforward, step-by-step approach to repair this issue. We'll get you back to seamlessly talking and witnessing your words become text magic, whether using Gboard or another keyboard that uses Google's Text-to-Speech.

Let's work together to fix this mistake. If tech isn't your thing, I've simplified the process. After this, you'll be conversing with Google Voice Typing smoothly. Ready? Rock on!

What is a Gboard :

Gboard is the default keyboard app on many Android devices. It offers a variety of features, including voice typing. Voice typing allows you to dictate text into your phone, which can be helpful for people who have difficulty typing or are simply looking for a more convenient way to enter text.

Gboard is a virtual keyboard app developed by Google. It is available for Android and iOS devices. Gboard offers a variety of features, including voice typing, gesture typing, and predictive text.

Also Check : Restore Keyboard Setting In Android

What are the benefits of using Gboard:

Voice typing: Gboard lets you dictate text to your phone. This can help folks who have trouble typing or want a more accessible way to enter text.

Gboards gesture: typing lets you text by swiping your fingertips across the keyboard. This is faster and more accurate than traditional typing.

Gboard's predictive text: anticipates your next word. This improves typing speed and accuracy.

How to fix gboard Voice typing not working 4 Methods :

  1. Google Voice Typing must be enabled.
  2. Uninstall Gboard updates
  3. Disable Google Assistant speech commands
  4. Download offline language 

How to enable Voice typing in Gboard? No Permission to Enable Voice Typing on Android? (Method-1):

Ensure that (no permission to enable) Voice typing Google Voice Typing is activated before anything else. There may be a pre-installed service on your device that replaces it. We recommend swapping to Google and enabling it within your keyboard settings.

  1. Tap to open the keyboard in any app or search box.
  2. Click the Settings (cog) button.
  3. You are selecting Voice typing. Alternatively, Voice typing is available under Settings > General Management or System > Gboard settings. 
  4. Keep in mind that not all languages enable Voice typing. Look over the available language list.
  5. Flip the switch for Voice typing.
  6. Go to Settings > Apps > Default Apps at this point.
  7. Choose Google from the Voice input list.
  8. Make sure the keyboard language layout matches your Google Voice Typing language.
  9. Go to Settings > System > Languages & input to add another language. Under Manage Keyboards, click Settings. 
  10. Click the boxes next to the languages you want to use with Google Voice Typing.
  11. To enable voice typing, go to Settings > Apps > Gboard > Permissions and allow Gboard Microphone access. 
  12. That fixes it 90% of the time. If you still can't, try again after the following step.

Uninstall Gboard keyboard updates (Method-2):

You may try uninstalling Gboard updates, as some commenters advised. Since there is a specific service that deals with speech typing and voice-to-text input in general, we first did not think that Gboard may be the source of the issue. After considerable investigation, some users benefited from resetting Gboard.

Here are the steps to take to get rid of Gboard updates:

  1. Activate Settings.
  2. Start Apps.
  3. Choose Gboard.
  4. Tap the three-dot menu to get rid of changes.

Once you're there, you can do the same thing with Google Speech Services, which should also be on the list of apps you can use.

Turn off the Google Assistant voice command (Method-3):

You can also turn off the speech word that starts Google Assistant. As some users have found out, voice Typing doesn't work as it should when the Hey, Google (OK, Google) voice word is turned on.

Here's what you need to do to turn off Voice Command for Google Assistant:

  1. Activate Settings.
  2. Choose Google.
  3. Go to Settings > Search, Assistant, and Voice under Google Apps.
  4. Start up Google Assistant.
  5. Tap "OK Google" and then "Voice Match."
  6. Disable hi Google?

Download offline language (Method-4):

Finally, if you are not using the system language, you must download the offline package for that language. You are not required to do so if you are online, but we recommend it. For Offline recognition to operate, you must also ensure that the languages are current.

Here's how you can get offline languages:

  • Select Offline speech recognition from the Use voice typing menu.
  • Add languages from the All list that you want to include. 
  • Enable the Auto-update languages over Wi-Fi only option under the Auto-update menu.
  • You may also go to Settings > Apps > Gboard. Once there, select Uninstall Updates from the three-dot menu. 
  • Later, update the app and look for improvements. 

How to fix Gboard auto-correct if it's not working :

  • Gboard auto-correct should be enabled. 
  • Tap the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Gboard. Make sure "Auto-correction" is on under "Text correction".
  • Check your device's Dictionary for updates.
  • Languages and input options are under your device's settings. 
  • Tap Gboard, then Dictionary, under Keyboards. Turn on the Download Languages option and download the newest languages.
  • Restart your device. 
  • Sometimes a restart fixes minor software difficulties. Restart your device to use Gboard again.
  • Clear Gboard data and cache. 
  • Look for Apps or Applications in your device's settings. Tap the Gboard app. Tap Storage, then Clear Store and Data.
  • Uninstall and reinstall Gboard. 
  • After trying all the previous procedures, uninstall and reinstall Gboard to fix its auto-correct.


Why is Google Voice Typing not working on my Android device?

  • If Google Voice Typing is not working on your Android device, there could be several reasons. Ensure you have enabled the voice typing feature in your device settings and granted. 
  • Microphone permission to the Google Voice Typing app.

How can I enable Google Voice Typing on my Android phone?

To enable Google Voice Typing on your Android phone, follow these steps:
  • Open the Settings app on your phone.
  • Go to the "Language & Input" or "Keyboard & Methods" section.
  • Select "Virtual keyboard" or "On-Screen Keyboard".
  • Tap on "Google Voice Typing".
  • Toggle the switch to enable it.
  • Tap on "Ok" to confirm.

Can Google Assistant voice be used for voice typing?

  • Yes, you can use Google Assistant voice for voice typing. Google Voice Typing utilizes Google's speech services, including Google Assistant's voice recognition capabilities.

How can I fix Google Voice Typing not working on Android?

If you are experiencing issues with Google Voice Typing on Android, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure you have the latest updates for the Gboard or Google Keyboard apps.
  • Clear the cache and data of the Gboard app or Google Keyboard app in your device settings.
  • Restart your device and try again.
  • Ensure that microphone permission is granted to the Gboard or Google Keyboard apps.
  • If the issue persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Gboard or Google Keyboard apps.
  • If none of these steps works, you should contact the support team for further assistance.

How do I enable Voice typing on Gboard?

  • To enable Voice typing on Gboard, follow these steps:
  • Open any app where you can use the keyboard.
  • Tap on the text input field to bring up the keyboard.
  • Tap on the microphone icon on the Gboard keyboard.
  • Grant the necessary microphone permission if prompted.
  • Start speaking, and Gboard will transcribe your Voice into text.

Can I uninstall Gboard to fix Google Voice Typing?

  • You can uninstall and reinstall the Gboard app to fix issues with Google Voice Typing.


Gboard voice typing is a convenient way to enter text on your phone. However, some common issues can occur with this feature. If you are experiencing problems with Gboard voice typing, try the troubleshooting steps above or contact Google support for help.

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